Dumpster Pools: Garbage Receptacles Turned Summer Fun


Dumpster diving anyone? Brooklyn-based creatives Macro|Sea salvaged trash receptacles around the city and repurposed them into modular swimming pools just in time for the summer.

From the side, the setup looks like an assembly of dumpsters in the middle of a scrap yard. Once you make your way to the top, however, you end up with a gorgeous aboveground pool that looks like the perfect spot for cooling off under the sun.

A project from the trio of Jocko Weyland, David Belt, and Alix Feinkind, they installed the dumpster pools into a vacant lot in the city and are currently using it to host parties during weekends. They’re calling it the testing and prototype phase of their adaptive reuse project, with the eventual goal of creating the same installation at strip mall parking lots around the US.


As it turns out, converting the garbage dumpsters into functional swimming pools isn’t all all that complex, even while working to make it look as good as it does on those pictures.  It only took the group a total of 12 days from gathering the materials to setting it all up, in time for their first pool party on July 4th.

For those inclined to try their hand at replicating the creations, the process involves securing a large dumpster, cleaning it up (please clean it up – thinking about the filth that used to be there makes me cringe), sealing up the seams, adding a liner, filling it with sand (to make a soft bottom), adding a tarp, throwing up a few decorations and filling it up with water. Sounds like it beats shelling out tens of thousands for a full-fledged backyard pool, right?

[Macro|Sea via ReadyMade]