Homework Table Lets You Customize Your Work Desk, Looks Awesome


We all personalize our work tables somewhat.  But what if we can actually customize the damn thing?  That’s the idea behind Homework, a nifty work desk that you can lay out in a wide variety of ways.

The basic table consists of two three-legged trestles made from breech, with steel braces.  Each trestle has a felt sling hanging, which you can later use to store magazines, documents and other items.  A functional drawer with a felt bottom is set between the two.

A stained MDF board with puncture holes (so it doesn’t slip) is used as the table frame, set over the trestles.  It sports a steel area around the rear to hold books and a laser-etched rule along the front edge.  From there, you can top it off with whatever fittings you need.  In the example above, they used flexible modular desktops in the middle, a cutting board on the left and a strip of dry-erase board along the right.  Around the back are various caddies and media troughs, making for a very nifty and modern piece.

Designed by Robin Grasby, Homework is intended to allow the user to “customize every aspect of their workspace.”  After all, we each have different requirements while on the job.  Mine, for instance, will need a dedicated area for my coffee maker (I know, I need help).  In Mad Men, they’ll each require a large ashtray and a place to set drinks (I’m sure those bookcases around the back can hold bottles of liquor just as easily).

It’s a little hard to describe how awesome the thing is.  Check out the step-by-step addition of each material from the designer’s site to get a clearer idea.

[Robin Grasby via Moco Loco]