Tropicana Offers Thirsty Japanese Cheese-Flavored Orange Juice

Like your drinks sweet and sour?  Errr…really?  You might want to take your thirst to Japan, a country that just witnessed the launch of the new  Tropicana Fruit Sweets “Orange with Rare Cheese Flavor,” which combines the powers of milk-based dairy with squeezed acidic citrus juices for a drink that’s easily one of a kind.

According to the product page, the drink was derived from Rare Cheesecake, a popular snack among Japanese folks that’s often served with freshly-squeezed orange somewhere in its non-baked mass.  While I doubt this will taste anywhere near that, they’re really building it up as an alternative to actually eating the cake, encouraging people to drink it like a “snack break during work time.”

The Tropicana “Orange with Rare Cheese Flavor” comes in a 400g plastic bottle, just like any regular orange juice off a convenience-store chiller.  Except it’s got cheese and supposedly tastes like cake, all while being a drink with 51% orange juice content.  Make sure to drink it near a bathroom to account for possible adverse reactions.

There’s a reference in the product page to a JDS “Overall Preference Survey 2009.”  We’re not sure what it’s about (can’t read Japanese, sorry), but we’re praying it says that this particular flavor is what’s been missing in Japanese people’s lives since Godzilla went out of style.  That would be fantastic.

Released last August 3rd, the Tropicana Fruit Sweets “Orange with Rare Cheese Flavor” is available in Japanese stores for 150 Yen (under $2).   It bears repeating: if you manage to pull over the wrong exit and end up in Japan (hey, it happens…in the Twilight Zone), only drink within running distance of the nearest toilet.

[K-Tropicana (translated) via InventorSpot]