80-Port USB Hub Wants To Charge Your Cellphone, iPod, Digicam And 77 More Gadgets At The Same Time


Got more gadgets to charge than slots to plug them in?  I doubt you’ll be having that problem with the 80-Port USB Hub, a charging hub that takes your lack of USB ports seriously.  Very, very seriously.

No, you won’t need a nuclear reactor inside your bedroom to power all those up.  Well, maybe that will help, but it’s not necessary.  Do note you just can’t plug this into a computer either, unless you want your laptop to explode (explosion not guaranteed, by the way).


The 80-Port USB Hub is a 200 x 200 mm square motherboard with tons of slots for your ridiculously huge roster of USB-chargeable gadgets and connector pins for the bundled 170 x 105 x 38 mm power supply.  Each column of ports can be turned off (with a jumper pin), allowing you to deactivate those slots you won’t be needing (like if you only have 70 gadgets, for instance).   When you buy ten more pieces of electronics (this weekend), then you can use the same pin to bring them back into the mix.

While there are 80 ports, I’m not entirely convinced you can actually use them all.  Once you get to half, there’ll probably be too much cable mess, you can’t even make out any of the pins.  Unless you attach another USB hub, of course.


Remember the insane 49-Port USB Hub from last year?  If you held off on buying one of those because of the steep £399 price, then you’re in luck.  Thanko’s 80-Port USB Hub is available for only Â¥14,800 (around $165), which is considerably cheaper.  I doubt your electric bill will ever be the same, though.

[Thanko via Engadget]