Baux Träullit Acoustic Panels Soundproof Your Room In Style

Acoustic tiles that let you soundproof a room aren’t anything new. Designed for utilitarian purposes, however, they hardly make for the nicest things to adorn the walls in your home. Such is not the case for the Träullit, a set of modular acoustic panels that double as decorative wall items.

Created by Swedish outfit Baux, the tiles are offered in a variety of shapes, including circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, and parralelograms. Each one comes in a selection of colors, too, giving you a whole load of options in the kind of patterns you can have plastered across the walls. Seriously, you can get creative with this in a huge way.

The Baux Träullit is made from a series of spruce wood wool that’s bound together with a thin coat of cement. Not only can the tiles absorb the loud sounds coming out of your Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 18 speaker setup like regular acoustic tiles, they act as insulation, too, regulating heat and moisture inside the room. Even better, the thing is resistant to mold and rot, so these things should last you a good while. They offer a variety of downloadable files for CAD, Photoshop, and Illustrator that you can use to plan a visual layout of the installation you intend to set up.

No prices are listed on the Baux website for the Träullit Acoustic Panels. They’re available now, but you’ll have to call to get a price quote (which means, these are going to be expensive).

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