Custom R2D2 Roomba Decal Turns The Robo-Vac Into A Star Wars Bot


Like many folks who aren’t too keen on regularly sprucing up our homes (hey, I’m lazy), we’re big fans of cleaning robots like the Roomba. They save us from living like pigs, so we love them like part of the family. However, it’s really hard to love something that looks so nondescript, so why not give your robo-vac a style makeover with this Custom R2D2 Roomba Decal?

Made by Bel and Bel, it’s a set of stickers that let you make any Roomba look like Star Wars’ most-beloved automaton.  Well, until that last one showed up anyway. That way, your erstwhile boring hunk of steel, wires, and vacuum technology can look like an adorable robot straight out of a long-running sci-fi franchise, giving it just an extra hint of personality while it cleans away every nook and cranny of your apartment.


There aren’t many details for the Custom R2D2 Roomba Decal, although from the looks of things, it’s just a bunch of pre-cut blue decals custom-sized to fit iRobot’s pioneering robo-vac.  So, yeah, you don’t even have to wait for them to release it into a product – you can just buy some plain blue stickers from your local print supplies store and deck your own cleaning robot with R2D2’s unmistakable livery.  Granted, it’s not as easy as picking them up pre-cut, but it should make for a more engaging experience.


Check out more pictures of the Custom R2D2 Roomba Decal from Bel and Bel’s website.

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