Lamborghini Urus Luxury SUV Unveiled

Remember the last time Lamborghini denied any rumors it was going to do another SUV anytime soon?  Yeah, that’s over with the newly-unveiled Lamborghini Urus, a luxury SUV with sleek looks and premium performance.

Lines and general aesthetic embrace the raging bull’s current design language so it looks every bit a Lambo as the Aventador parked in your mansion’s garage.  Okay, your boss’ mansion.  Umm… the mansion you saw this one time on TV?

Details of the Lamborghini Urus are deliberately vague at the moment.  In fact, they’re treating it as a concept for now, as the vehicle isn’t set to launch until 2015.  What’s known is it’s going to be a 4-door 4WD SUV, with an engine pushing out at least 600 hp.  There are talks of using a forced-air supercharged V8 as the vehicle’s powertrain, although this is likely subject to change while the specs are tested and finalized.

The SUV will be packed with stiff lightness, with the chassis, body and segment all optimized for minimal weight.  Steering will be electro-mechanical, with weight distribution being targeted to as close to 50:50 fore:aft as possible.   The current design’s dimensions are 65.4 inches (height), 78.4 inches (width), 196.5 inches (length) and 114 inches (wheelbase), with plenty of space for a quartet of passengers.

Lamborghini presented the Urus at the 2012 Beijing Motor Show.