Just Like IKEA Furniture, The OX Truck Can Flat-Pack During Shipping


Say what you want about IKEA, but flat-packed furniture totally changed the game in terms of shipping costs and convenience. We’re guessing the same will hold true for the OX, an off-road truck that also happens to be the world’s first flat-packed vehicle.

That’s right, someone figured out how to make a flat-packed truck. During shipment, all the components and sub-assemblies can be tightly arranged within the vehicle’s own frame, with only the engine and gearbox transported in a separate crate, allowing up to six trucks to fit in a single shipping container. Workers on the factory line can supposedly cobble together the flat-packed package in a little over five hours, with three people on the receiving end able to assemble it into a running vehicle in half a day.


A collaboration between Global Vehicle Trust and famed F1 designer Gordon Murray, the OX is a two-wheel-drive truck that can handle the roughest terrain with a combination of a wide wheelbase (9.7 feet), high ground clearance (1.3 feet) and wading capability (it can ride in water up to 3.3 feet deep). It has fully-independent suspension on all four wheels to ensure a stable grip, all while cramming up to 13 people inside and handling loads of up to 4,409 pounds. More impressively, it does that while being barely longer than a car, as well as weighing just 3,527 pounds.


A three-seat cab puts the driver in the center, allowing for optimum positioning in off-road trails, as well as on the road, whether local traffic in left- or right-hand drive countries. Features include a 2.2-liter turbo diesel Ford engine, a 746-mile range, a tailgate that doubles as a ramp, and waterproof bonded wood composite body panels.


Find out more about the OX from the official website.


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