Roborock Saros Z70 Robo-Vacuum Gets a Five-Axis Mechanical Arm for Picking Up Socks, Toys, and More Off the Floor
Slingpop Adds A Bottle Opener To A Slingshot, So You Can Shoot Stuff And Drink Beer All Day It doesn’t matter how old you get, either – slingshots are still fun. Whether you’re hunting birds, shooting...GEAR
Strike Fear In The Heart Of Every Beer In Your Fridge With The Decapitator Giving someone a bottle opener as a gift? Very lame (unless, of course, it’s a bottle opener that...GIFTSHOUSE
Dropcatch Catches Your Beer Caps Using Magnets We don’t know why mankind continues to obsess over bottle openers. Every single multi-tool we get has a...GADGETSHOUSE
Cap Zappa: Open Bottle, Shoot Enemies, Drink Beer From now on, bottle openers are no longer cool. Your bottle opener barely dents the cap? Still not...ENTERTAINMENT
Simple Gadgets – BROpener Bottle Opener Will Grow On You Carrying a bottle opener ensures you have something to pop your beers open any time you feel the...GADGETSHOUSE
Quirky Switch Customizes Your Multi-Tool Most Multi-tools are useless. There’s no sensible reason for anyone to carry 30 different tools at all times....GADGETS
Bark4Beer Adds Opening Beer Bottles To Your Dog’s Skills, Makes Him Truly Man’s Best Friend The word boozehound gets literal with the Bark4Beer, a dog collar that comes with its own retractable bottle...ENTERTAINMENTGADGETSGIFTS
Craftsman Cap Wrench Pops Caps Faster Than Any Other Bottle Opener Bottle cap openers are simple enough. Heck, I have a bent nail stuck to my wall where I...GADGETS
Beer Defense Tool Lets You Pop Caps, Maim Everyone Who Comes Near One bottle of beer, five thirsty people. What kind of mayhem do you suppose will ensue? With the...ARTGADGETS