Roborock Saros Z70 Robo-Vacuum Gets a Five-Axis Mechanical Arm for Picking Up Socks, Toys, and More Off the Floor
You Don’t Need To Become President To Sit Behind This Detailed Reproduction Of The Resolute Desk When you reach that point in your career where you have an office with your name at the...FURNITUREHOUSE
See-Thru Wall Panels Allow The Mod Locker To Show Off Your Clutter Like most people, you probably keep stuff you use often in a shelf, so you can keep the...HOUSE
This Loveseat Will Confuse Even The Most Lovestruck Pairs When people talk about loveseats, it’s usually a sofa-style chair designed to sit a pair side-by-side, so it’s...FURNITUREHOUSE
Rotting Wood And Photoluminescent Resin Come Together To Produce This Gorgeous Glow Table Wood that’s been damaged with fungal growth probably isn’t your first choice of material for a new table...FURNITUREHOUSE
Floyd Utility Set Lets You Quickly Build Heavy-Duty Tables With Cross Bracings While the Floyd Legs can help you quickly build a sturdy writing table, it lacks the support structure...FURNITUREHOUSE
This DIY Fireplace Coffee Table Puts Cozy Flames Right In The Middle Of Your Living Room No other heating appliance can offer the cozy warmth that a fireplace provides. But if your house doesn’t...FURNITUREHOUSE
Hure Crank Table Brings Industrial Elegance To The Dining Room We don’t know how well industrial décor will fit in with the rest of your home. If your...FURNITUREHOUSE
Idol Chair Is The Adult-Sized Kiddie Fort Your Inner Child Always Wanted Need a space in the house to call your own? Well, it can’t be the bedroom, since you...FURNITUREHOUSE
This Guy Turned His Retired Power Mac G5s Into Functional Home Furniture There have been a lot of awesome computer cases that came out over the years, from PC boxes...FURNITUREGADGETSHOUSE
Stumble Upon Sofa Is A Carpet That’s A Couch That Also Happens To Be A Bookcase A carpet with large ridges is just a whole lot of annoying. And, yes, it looks just as...FURNITUREHOUSE
Remmus Lounger Automatically Spins To Ensure Maximum Sunlight For Sun Bathing We’re not entirely sure about the importance of the sun’s angle when it comes to getting a good...FURNITUREHOUSE
TJ Volonis Makes Copper Tubing Furniture That Aren’t Just Functional, They Look Amazing, Too Using copper tubing to build furniture may sound like a bad idea from both a functional and an...FURNITUREHOUSE
REK Expanding Coffee Table Can More Than Double In Size When Needed You don’t want a large coffee table creating an obstruction in the living room. At the same time,...FURNITUREHOUSE
Orwell Combines Sofa, Bed, And Your Very Own Private Fort When it comes to outfitting a small house, combing functions in a single piece of furniture can do...FURNITUREHOUSE
Kahiko Table: Yes, This Is What A $100,000 Table Looks Like Yes, a $100,000 price tag for a table is absolutely preposterous. But the Kahiko Table is made from...FURNITUREHOUSE
Camou Is The Cowboy Chair The Wild West Missed Out On Modern cowboys don’t spend all their days on a horse in the field anymore. They actually come inside...FURNITUREHOUSE
The Pikaplant One Shelf Will Water Your Plants All On Its Own We’ve seen many planters that come with integrated watering systems. If you plan on keeping multiple potted plants...FURNITUREHOUSE
Randonneur Chair: This Rocking Chair Is Made Using Bike-Building Techniques What would happen if you built a rocking chair using materials and techniques traditionally employed in making bicycles? ...FURNITUREHOUSE
3Moods Is An Incredible Transforming Furniture Transforming furniture is nothing new. We’ve seen baby furniture that goes from cradle to crib to play table,...FURNITUREHOUSE
Cut & Fold Origami Chair Is The Most Stylish Folding Chair Ever Folding chairs always tend to look a little bit on the ugly side, which is why they tend...FURNITUREHOUSE
Rapide Lounge Chair Copies The Wheelbarrow’s Design For Easy Mobility Wheelbarrows are great if you’re doing plenty of yardwork. But who would have thought coopting the classic utility...FURNITUREHOUSE
Supersize Bed: Is That Giant French Fries On My Headboard Or Is This All A Dream? I know, French fries are horrible. They pack a ridiculous amount of calories, yet you need so much...FURNITUREHOUSE
This Cleverly Designed Murphy Sofa Float Is A Bed, A Wall And A Shelf Also Want to maximize your tiny studio’s seating capacity, while still having a comfortable place to lay your head...FURNITUREHOUSE
Every Poolside Deserves A Private Lounge As Beautiful As The iPad Controlled CocoOne Your tranquility pod is awesome and all, but now that you’re married, you find yourself looking for something...HOUSE
These Awesome Looking Armchairs And Couches Are Made From Steel Drums It’s tough imagining industrial steel barrel drums being re-purposed into snazzy-looking home furniture. Yet, that’s exactly what DrumWorks...FURNITUREHOUSE
Coupe Sofa Transforms Into A Bunk Bed In Seconds Remember the Doc Space Saving System, Resource Furniture’s $6,800 sofa that can impressively transform into a fully-functional bunk...FURNITUREHOUSE
The Sofista Couch Can Transform Into A Three-Piece Living Room Set Created for small homes, the Sofista can transform from a three-person sofa to a three-piece living room set...FURNITUREHOUSE