This Cutting Board Auto-Hides Scratches

Your Gamepad Chopping Board is cool and all, but serious butchers need serious cutting boards.  And few slabs I’ve seen look more serious than this fancy Scratch-Concealing  Butcher’s Board.

Unlike boards that get filled with cuts from daily use, this cutting platform will naturally mend knife impact, minimizing the amount of scratches and cuts that accumulate on the surface over time.  Plus the timber looks downright cool with alternating patterns draped all over it like you usually see with expensive wood furniture.

How does the Scratch-Concealing  Butcher’s Board manage to fend off blade cuts?  According to the product page, they use end grain wood fibers, instead of those from the face or edge, which spread as the knife blade touches the surface and closes back when it’s removed.  As a result, most of the cuts get covered back up, all while being much gentler on your knives too.

Wood used is Eastern Canadian Larch, a dense and rot-resistant material that’s long been used in shipbuilding.  The wood is first kiln dried before being manually selected and hand crafted into a board.   It features four rubber legs at the bottom so it stays in place the whole time and measures 17.75 x 11 x 1.5 inches.

Hammacher Schlemmer has the Scratch-Concealing  Butcher’s Board, priced at $179.95.